
Who are we?Horizon Exports is the gaming division of Entropy 101 Inc, a joint venture between Edward “Ed” Lie and Robert “Davis” Kouk, two professional layabouts admittedly a bit in over their heads. Lie came up with the idea for Infinite Horizon in early 2012 after playing a bit too many spacey board games with his friends, and decided that making one himself would be “totally rad.” Having shanghai’d Kouk and a group of board game inclined friends, he spent the better part of a year refining the design and learning just what an absolute mess tabletop game design is (but he still likes it anyway). Entropy 101 Inc. is currently located in Cedar Hill, Texas.

ED LIE is a former film student, having graduated from the University of North Texas’ RTVF program in 2011 and having done not much of note with said degree. He currently works as a middle school Computer Literacy teacher in Cedar Hill, and does a little bit of freelance animation on the side. Ed Lie’s favorite color is orange, and he enjoys long walks on the beach and sunsets. His favorite Beatle is John and his favorite Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young is Stills.

DAVIS KOUK is an art historian, which, for the uninitiated, involves entering and exiting government and military facilities without being noticed and also silently subduing guards. He is a cultural terrorist responsible for the bombing and subsequent historical obliteration of 4 of the original 11 world wonders which is why you think there are only 7.  At least, that’s what he tells me. Davis Kouk currently aids in aesthetic design and mechanical consultancy, which is a fancy way of saying he gives suggestions and sometimes Ed takes them.

If you would like to contact us, feel free to drop a line at entropy101@gmail.com. Any feedback is much appreciated!

Creative Commons License
Infinite Horizon by Entropy 101 Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Considering the free nature of the game and its rules, it would be very petty of anyone to flip it around and sell it for profit so please don’t do that okay!